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PES-Arkkitehdit Oy | Whistleblowing Platform

What is a whistleblower channel?

A whistleblower channel is a confidential communication channel designed to enable employees, and sometimes external stakeholders, to report suspected or actual instances of illegal, unethical, or inappropriate activities within an organization without fear of retaliation. The reports made are sent to the company manager.

Why do we need it?

In the European Union, the EU Whistleblowing Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1937) outlines specific requirements for whistleblower channels. The directive, which makes these channels mandatory for companies our size starting December 2023, has several key requirements for whistleblower channels, such as:

What is a relevant report for this channel?

An example of a relevant whistleblowing report could be an employee reporting harassment or discriminatory behavior within the company. On the other hand, a non-relevant report might be a complaint about day-to-day issues like the office lacking supplies, which does not pertain to illegal or unethical business practices.

How do I make a report on the platform?

  1. Go to (you can choose a language from the upper right corner)
  2. Click "File a report"
  3. Fill the form and click Submit
  4. You will get a receipt code. You can use it to view the company manager reply.
  5. Save the receipt code – that is your only way to access communications regarding that case.

All submissions are anonymous. All submitters are asked for evidence to support the report.

How do I access my report and check for replies?

  1. Go to (you can choose a language from the upper right corner)
  2. Below the first button, you have a text bar.
  3. Enter the receipt code you got earlier to it and click "Log in".